VENTURIA is the venture design and management platform created and used by STARTALIA to manage projects and development cycle of its startups.

Managing many projects in parallel is obviously not just a problem for a startup foundry like STARTALIA. We have been designing, implementing, maintaining and using collaboration and project management systems and platforms on a daily basis for more than 25 years.

We have come to the conclusion that there is no one solution that is good for everything. That is why we have built VENTURIA as a modular platform, using and "connecting" the best we have experienced to be truly functional, usable and efficient.

And that is why VENTURIA rests on the robust cloud services of Microsoft Windows 365 and Microsoft Azure, appropriately integrated (on-cloud and on-premise) with software developed ad-hoc by the STARTALIA team.


We are willing to allow others to use ad-hoc versions of VENTURIA, including in a SAAS model. Should you be interested, please contact us to discuss it.